Logistics and Info
Directions to Ferry Point Base Camp
Ferry Point is located right off highway 96, 11 miles west of the town
of Happy Camp, CA.
- From I-5: take Highway 96 West for 66 miles to Happy Camp, CA.
- Continue west on Highway 96 for 11 more miles.
- At mile marker 30.18 there is a turnout on the left side (river side) of the road with a Forrest Service sign that says Ferry Point River Access.
- Follow the dirt road 1/4 mile down to the bottom, turn left at the bathrooms. Follow the road 100 yards to our camp.
Directions from Yreka to Ferry Point
What to bring on the trip:
- 1-2 swimsuits - Water shoes: Tevas/Tennis Shoes
- Hat/Visor - Sunglasses with head strap
- Windbreaker - Pants/Shirts/Shorts
-Tent and tarp - Comfy/warm clothes for camp
- Sleeping bag - Sleeping pad, pillow
- Camp Chair - Sneakers/flip-flops
- Toiletries - Flash light/headlamp
- Sunscreen - Chapstick/lip balm
- Hand sanitizer - Bug spray/mosquito repellent
- Plate, bowl, cup - Knife, fork, spoon
* We always have lots of extra kitchen items and silverware
Optional Equipment:
- Camera, beach towel, fishing gear and license, wet suit (usually not needed depending on river conditions)
- extra warm clothes, sun shirt/sun pants for extra sun protection
Food Options - (please see "Rafting Rates" page for pricing)
Option 1: All food and meals included! Let our friendly guides take care of everything for you! Sit back, relax and enjoy the feast.
Option 2: Provide all your own food. Experienced camper with your own cooking gear? Bring your camp stove and food and save a few bucks.
(Same pricing for option 2 and 3)
Option 3: Shared meal program. Very popular with family groups and large trips with friends. Each person/couple brings 1-2 meals for the group to prepare with our kitchen. Then sit back, relax and enjoy other's delicious meals for the rest of the trip.
Transportation and Shuttles
How do we get to and from camp before and after rafting each day? We simply self-shuttle. Follow the guide car and drive your own vehicle and crew to the put in or take out. Drop off the cars and/or people and a designated shuttle driver takes the drivers back. It's really quite simple and easy! In addition, it's the safest option during COVID.